The Most Popular Courses On Princeton Review

The Princeton Review is a trusted study buddy for the big tests that matter. The company has spent the past three decades helping students learn valuable test-taking strategies and build skills for college and graduate school admissions exams.

The Princeton Review now features a network of more than 5,000 instructors, a library of more than 150 test-prep and college-choice guides, and an online hub for researching schools and studying for tests.


Most Popular Courses

MCAT 510+

$3399 $3099

SAT 1400+

$1749 $1549

ACT 31+

$1749 $1549

* 123 hours of In-Person or LiveOnline classroom instruction
* 4 to 6 subject-matter experts
* Thousands of practice questions
* 36+ hours of In-Person or LiveOnline classroom instruction
* Top-percentile instructors
* AI driven personalized practice drills
* 36+ hours of classroom instruction
* 4 scheduled practice tests (auto-proctor available)
* 7 additional full-length practice tests
* 8 single-section practice tests
* 24/7 On-Demand Tutoring

GRE 162+

$2299 $2049

GMAT 700+

$1899 $1649

LSAT 165+

$1999 $1749

* 45 hours of live instruction by a GRE Expert (Quant: 25 hours; Verbal: 20 hours)
* 20 additional hours of Quant & Verbal Supplemental sessions designed to focus on key topics and practice questions
* 4400+ drills and practice questions
* 8 full-length practice tests
* 47+ total hours of instruction by GMAT experts
* 4480+ GMAT style questions, including the GMAT official guide book bundle
* Interactive video lessons & adaptive drills designed to prepare you for the real exam
* 84 hours of instruction by an LSAT expert
* 150 hours of online drills and explanations
* 8000+ LSAT exam-style questions


Is The Princeton Review a trustworthy company?
There is currently one customer review posted about The Princeton Review. On average, they received a star-grading of 10/10, with 100% of the reviewers indicating that they would buy from the brand again.

What services or products do The Princeton Review offer?
The Princeton Review is mainly active in the General category, more specifically with Study and Education.

I have read all the reviews. What now?
Did you get a positive impression from the reviews? If so, then you can place your order on the The Princeton Review website with confidence.

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